Thursday, 1 December 2011

What Leon Did Next

Time for a quick progress report.  As announced previously, the eBook version of “White Vampyre” will be published simultaneously by Amazon and Smashwords on Monday December 12.
Those who can’t wait that long will find a teaser over at Jenn Nixon’s blog:
To coincide with the release the author has answered a Q&A session with Brit grit writer Julie Morrigan, which should be posted on her blog over the weekend: .  In case you’re wondering, no, I don’t quite manage to eschew political discussion.
For those unaware of Julie’s work, I recommend the excellent “Heartbreaker” and the short story collection “Gone Bad”.  While I’m plugging other people’s work, Julie has also contributed to “Off The Record - A Charity Anthology”.  Not only do you get cutting edge crime fiction from some of the most exciting talent writing today, by purchasing the book you contribute to the following:

In the UK, National Literacy Trust.
In the US, Children's Literacy Initiative.

Of the fundamental education we provide children, the ability to read and write is undoubtedly the most powerful.  Through fiction we are transported to other worlds and get to live other lives.  Sometimes, we even create our own.  Doesn’t get any better than that.
At £2.23 for the Kindle edition, it’s less than the cost of a pint of ale or a fine malt whisky in most licensed establishments.  Don’t tell me you can’t afford that.

With “White Vampyre” in the bag what’s next for yours truly?  The answer is a police procedural set in Inverness titled “A Pauper’s Shroud”.  As I’m currently in the process of completing the final edit, I hope to have the book out by the end of February.  Those of you who can’t wait that long will find an excerpt at the end of “White Vampyre”.  If APS runs a little slower than WV, it compensates by being darker and remains steeped in the same wry humour.

1 comment:

  1. I missed this when it was new (doh!). Thanks so much for the kind words, and for promoting OTR. Very much appreciated! :)
